Our work

We love what we do and we think we do it pretty well.

Checkout our case studies to find out how we have helped produce some beautiful solutions for our clients.

Reducing costs, Reaching more

A new Callimedia client requested cost saving efficiencies on their usual production run, without changing the look and feel of the printed piece.

Storage & Fulfilment Solution

Through listening and understanding the problem our client needed to solve we were able to create a bespoke package utilising all of our in house knowledge from IT support, administration, production and postage.

Delivering Quality

A new client to Callimedia producing luxury items had often chosen to go with a shorter than A4 catalogue.  We were tasked with providing a solution that would still deliver on the high quality look and feel of the brand but allow cost efficiencies to be explored.

A Complete Review

A client who we have partnered with for over 18 years, tasked us with a cost reduction exercise across their range of offline marketing material.  Whilst they wanted to reduce costs, they still wanted to maintain brand quality and consistency.

Ready to get started?

Take your offline marketing campaign to the next level. Get in touch with our team today.